Esamina la relazione sulla telerium

Esamina la relazione sulla telerium

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This rarity of tellurium Sopra the Earth's crust is not a reflection of its cosmic abundance. Tellurium is more abundant than rubidium Con the cosmos, though rubidium is 10,000 times more abundant Per mezzo di the Earth's crust. The rarity of tellurium on Earth is thought to be caused by conditions during preaccretional sorting Per the solar nebula, when the stable form of certain elements, in the absence of oxygen and water, was controlled by the reductive power of free hydrogen.

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Appearance A semi-metal usually obtained as a grey powder. Uses Tellurium is used in alloys, mostly with copper and stainless steel, to improve their machinability. When added to lead it makes it more resistant to acids and improves its strength and hardness.

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This rare metal is foreign to the Origin System and can only be found Con asteroids that have made the long journey from other stars.

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Tellurium improves the machinability of copper and stainless steel, and its addition to altre informazioni lead decreases the corrosive action of sulfuric acid on lead and improves its strength and hardness.

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